Friday, June 22, 2012

Oh yeah, I have a blog...

Its been a while and since I am bored with packing my stuff I thought I'd might as well blog a bit.  A lot has happened since I last blogged.  The last post was something that only a particular audience would immediately get and I might as well admit (for posterity's sake) that it was when the guy that I liked finally admitted to dating me.  As of now we are in a relationship and its been such a relief for me, there is a lot to that that I would like to vent about eventually but I'll hold off on it until I get through the rest of the catching up summary.

Other than boy stuff going somewhere, I got my research poster done and presented at a research for under grads fair.  I was panicking about it for weeks, but I was finally able to present some of my research on marine mammal strandings and put it in poster form. I didn't win any awards, but it was exciting to be there and present my work.  It was an ego boost when a girl next to mine complemented me on my work.  It felt so good to have someone think that my work was 'cool' and worthwhile.  For that whole experience (plus a 2 page summary of my project) I got to get a blue chord to wear at my graduation.  That blue chord took so much work, but I'm glad I did it.  I really wanted to wear an honor chord for getting a gpa, but it just wasn't high enough (I hope I can give confidence to all the people aspiring veterinary school that it is still possible to get in, even if your grades are not as high as you'd like).  I didn't feel too bad about it though, after all, I did get into veterinary school, and I had another cool chord to wear instead.

As you can guess from the date of this post, I have in fact graduated and now hold a bachelors of science in Zoology.  I'm not sure the gravity of this has completely hit me yet, but I'm still excited about it.  Now I hold the same level of degree as both of my parents (which I have to admit is a weird feeling).  Watch out grandpa, I'm going to get your degree next (well, same degree for animal medicine, heheh).

My family is currently visiting me right now, and as much as I love them, I'm glad they are doing their own thing right now.  Its been giving me some time to myself, and I have to admit I'm enjoying the quiet of my apartment.  So far I've been able to watch two anime films I've been wanting to watch and get some more packing done without the cacophony of noise that my family brings.  Hopefully I'll be able to get a lot done before I have to leave with them to go home.  I've decided to spend the summer with my family and hopefully relax a bit before the long haul of veterinary school.

Ah, veterinary school, I'm so nervous about starting in the fall.....

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