Friday, May 13, 2011

My first post

I've never blogged before, so this is a little strange.

I guess I'll start with why I named my blog "bubbles from the deep".

It all started with the thought 'hey, I should start a blog'  not so that anyone in particular could read it, just because.  I thought that depending on the notice that my blog gets from people I know, I could use this as a diary of sorts, or just a place to spill my thoughts.  I can't say I'd care about how reads this, I don't have much to hide anyway, and the things that I do hide...well if just random people were visiting this blog and read it, what would I care?  They don't know me.  But I digress...

So I love the water, everything from Spongebob to playing in the pool.  One day I was swimming in the gym on campus and after I did my work out for an hour I decided to play in the deep pool which is usually frequented by aqua joggers and obnoxious frat boys who like to do somersaults off the diving board.  I love to free dive and so all I did was down to the bottom and hang out there until I needed a breath.  Its a wonderful feeling being suspended in the water, its so quiet and all you can hear is the gentle stir of the water moving in unison around you.  It makes me feel like a super hero sometimes too because it allows me to move in ways I can't on land.  I can test the limits of my flexibility by doing back flips, spins, somersaults, splits, handstands, anything.  As I am swimming around, surely acquiring many odd looks from the other people sharing the pool, I start to notice the amount of bubbles that my frolicking caused.  I swim to the bottom, exhaled slowly and gazed intently as they made their way up to the surface of the water.  I began to see how the bubbles contorted and changed their shape as if the air itself was dancing its way to the surface.  It looked like so much fun that I decided I wanted to play with them.  I shot up to the surface grabbed a fresh breath and descended back to the bottom.  After equalizing my ears I slowly exhaled a little bit of air and gave my bubbles a bit of a head start.  As they floated to the surface I pushed myself from the bottom of the pool and started my own ascent.  Before I passed them however I realized that I was indeed, under the bubbles and I wondered what it would feel like to touch a bubble underwater.  One of the larger bubbles contorted itself into the shape of a jellyfish and I felt compelled to tickle its underside since it was clearly devoid of stinging tentacles.  Just as I reached out and touched it the name for this blog came to me like a bolt of lightening!  I would name this blog, the UPSIDE DOWN BUBBLE!

Now I'm sure this doesn't make any sense since this blog is clearly not named "the upside down bubble", but allow me to continue.  After swimming that day I got a little excited because I thought I had come up with a brilliant name for my blog.  But as it turns out, my great idea was shot down by my friend's reality check.  As I was studying with my group of friends I became engaged in conversation with one of my girlfriends and blogging came up.  She told me about her blog which has such a cute title: to live, to laugh, to love.  It was so like her and I thought the name was so fitting.  Being the silly one that I am I acted overtly excited when I told her I had recently come up with a brilliant name for a blog.  When I enthusiastically exclaimed "THE UPSIDE DOWN BUBBLE" the look of engagement in the conversation melted into a look of pure confusion.  She told me that the name didn't make sense and it occurred to me as she was explaining her disbelief that bubbles are traditionally spherical and therefore couldn't physically be upside down, or even right side up for that matter.  I felt quite silly after that, it only occurred to me a few weeks later that I was referring to the bubbles that contorted their shapes when suspended in a fluid.  Even then, when people think of bubbles they don't tend to think of the contorted bubbles but of the more spherical ones.  So I sacked that idea.

For some reason though the idea of having bubbles in the title never left me.  I felt that bubbles had to be incorporated somewhere because their aqueous nature was a subtle nod to my love of the water.  Well back to square two, not square one because I at least had the bubbles as part of the title.  This title did not come to me in a flashy blaze of clarity like the other one did but I thought it was an elegant way to capture the same sentiments I felt in the pool, sitting at the bottom and watching the bubbles float up.  I was a little unsure about the title only because I felt that it might be misconstrued as being mellow dramatic when that was not really my intention.  But I suppose I can't do much about that now, I chose the title and my readers will have to make their own judgements about it or me.  At this point, I don't really care because I don't think anyone will read this for a while.

Thats the story and my first post on my blog.  Hurray for firsts!

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