Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A peaceful walk

Its funny how random and often fleeting moments of absolute peace can be.  For me, these moments occur every now and again but I can never tell when or how long it will be.  Its one of those moments when you are in you're in your body and you're not at the same time.  You feel somewhat disconnected and yet feel like part of the larger scheme of things.  I guess you can say its like being on auto-pilot and thus being allowed to look out of the windows to the world below.  I had one of these moments while I was walking to my car from a lively session of Cuban Salsa.

After dancing for the last few hours (on top of exercising before hand) my body was tired, although not tired enough to make me sleepy.  It was just the right amount of fatigue that made me subdued and allowed me to assume the auto-pilot mode if you will.  Despite it being dark outside, I was still warm enough walk out in my tank top and not freeze immediately.  I also embraced my solitude which I normally don't when I'm walking alone in the dark.  But everything seemed to fit together and I was able to feel everything and really enjoy the moment like I'm seldom able to do.  All the evening sounds and my foot falls were muffled due to the tiny hairs in my ears being over worked by loud music, but instead of being uncomfortable it only made it more peaceful.  Remember in my first post when I was talking about the peace of being underwater? This was walk in the evening was somewhat similar.  So there I was, walking by myself in my tank top on my campus at 9 at night.

It was a wonderful feeling.  My body felt light, the world around me was quiet in a relaxed way and I was able to feel the slight chill of night embrace me.  Walking this way allowed many different thoughts to drift in and out of my mind without the normal intensity, but lightly, as if they were small down feathers dancing on a gentle breeze.  One of these thoughts that played around my mind was thoughts of someone very dear to me whom had earlier unwittingly answered my feelings yet again.  I don't want to say much more but thinking about this someone was like laying in a soft blanket on a rainy day.  A warm cuddly feeling of knowing that you are safe from the rain outside.  I miss this person, and to this person: Du weißt, wer du bist, It seems like I have a hard time letting go of you.

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