Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolutions!

Yep, here is another blogger blogging about her New Years Resolutions. I can feel my uniqueness just oozing out of my pores....anyway.

1. Show myself more self respect - the kind from the new movie Jane Eyre (LOVED IT). Despite wanting something deeply and badly but would have come at great cost to her sense of self, she abstained.  I want to respect myself like she respected herself.
2. Participate in a Triathlon - there is one locally, that I've been wanting to try for the last couple of years.  As soon as I get back to school I'm going to start training.  Its going to be epic, I promise.
3. Get more LIVE animal veterinary experience - Pathology has been the most training I've had in veterinary medicine.  Granted its been great and I've learned a lot, but I do really want to learn about live animals too.
4. Do an exciting Internship/volunteer opp./study experience - I would really love to do a marine mammal internship and so I'm hoping it would be something along those lines.
5. FINISH MY RESEARCH PROJECT - started last summer....sigh.  Still working on it.  Its a lot of data and a lot of medical terminology and interpretation for someone who is not a pathologist, but I'm doing my best.
6. Blog more - its therapeutic, enough said.

I can't think of anything else in particular for that.... but here is another list

Some fun things that I may or may not get too!

1. Finish the scarf I started to knit.  Thanks to my old roommate's prompting, I started knitting. Yup, knitting.
2. Do a trans-state motorcycle ride.  I'm hoping that when I graduate, I'll take my motorcycle and ride down the west coast.  It'll be a super long trip, but epic at the same time.
3. Join a cuban salsa dance team.  Yeah, would be FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Get a dog.  This would require a whole bunch of things to happen which makes it unlikely to happen this year, but who knows.

eh, thats all for now.  If I think of anything else, I'll just add on.

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