Saturday, February 4, 2012

Favorite Memories

Now just musing to myself one day, I started to think about what my favorite memories were and who was there with me when they happened.  These are the memories that relax me, make me feel warm inside, or the places I go back to or build upon in dreams.  Now I have a lot of really positive memories, but here are some of my personal favorite highlights (starting with the most recent)

  • Running down a beach in La Jolla with my best friend.

This was one of those instances where the day was perfect, there were no pressing urgencies polluting the day, and I was with a person I truly care about.  It was kind of like it was straight out of a novel how beautiful  the situation was.  As I ran along the beach, I felt everything: the soft sand beneath my feet, the ocean air breezing across my chest, the chill of the water as I splashed around the tides.  I got to play with my friend (trying in vain to splash him), and learn more about him as we ran along the beach where he used to live.  This memory is one of the purest and best that I have and I will always go back to it when I'm not feeling well.

  • Riding my motorcycle down the highway for the first time
Like I said in a previous post, there is NOTHING like riding a motorcycle.  And my first time really riding down a highway was exhilarating.  It was loud, I was scared, but I loved every second of knowing that I was in charge.

  • Camping in my car in the pouring rain
Although this memory is somewhat tainted by who it was shared with, it was still an interesting and unique experience that I will never forget.  We were on a coastal trip and I was persuaded to camp in my car at some forgotten trail head up in the mountains.  It poured rain the WHOLE night and since I was worried about the battery of my car, we used a small flashlight as our only source of light.  At first I was nervous about this, but after eating and then making a bed out of the copious amounts of pillows and blankets I started feeling a little better.  What really made this experience was when my (ex) boyfriend and I took turns reading out of my favorite book of fairy tales.  Listening to his voice reading while curled up nice and warm in my blankets with the rain beating down outside was...special.  I felt safe, looking at him as he read to me by the faint light of the flashlight.  Its a shame because the relationship did not last too long after this trip, but no matter how negative I feel about him, this will always be a special memory for me.

  • A near perfect day at the beach 
This beach looks gorgeous doesn't it?  Well it is, but unfortunately its not for 3/4s of the year.  I went out with my ex- boyfriend (different one- yes I've had a few relationships) during the early summer and caught this beach on a warm but windy day.  So not entirely perfect, but damn close.  We were walking down the beach for a while and when we got a little chilled from the wind we found this little place which protected us from the strong gusts of the wind.  Here is where I started to appreciate the beauty of the situation.  As I sat down, I felt the warmth of the sand heating me up, the gust of the wind assuaged to a breeze, the grasses bending with each blow and the beautiful scene of the ocean turning into sky.  This got me contemplative and I thought about how fleeting such wonderful moments like these are.  I thought to myself...Things are not always going to be like this are they? A quote which I adapted from the Counte of Monte Cristo.  Despite the melancholic knowledge of the fleeting nature of this moment, it still had wonderful feelings of freedom and warmth.

  • Watching the sunset with someone special
If ever there was a time where I wished I kissed someone, it was most definitely here.  The details surrounding the situation are too messy to taint this blog post so I'm not going to focus on them.  But this was an instance where you are sharing a beautiful moment with a person you really care about.  This was one of my favorite spots to climb when I was kid and so I was enjoying playing on the rocks with this person and then the sunset happened and I found myself in a loving embrace.  The only way that moment could have gotten better was, as I've mentioned, a kiss.  But even without it, it still is up there in my favorite memories.

  • Falling asleep in front of the botanical gardens
High school was stressful for everybody, and it most certainly was for me as well.  But there was a period where it got so bad that I asked my mom if we could leave somewhere and just take it easy.  We ended up going to this park in one of my favorite cities.  I don't remember a whole lot of what happened that day but I do remember getting tired during the day and so my mom and I just decided to take a nap on the lawn in front of these gardens.  Laying there on that lawn and basking in the warm sun was so relaxing and peaceful.  Smelling the flowers of the garden while being in enveloped in the warm sun while laying on soft grass was such a relief.  I felt like I had successfully escaped from my woes and also like I had found a new safe place to go back too whenever I felt overwhelmed.  Indeed this park is still one of my hiding places, although I don't get to go there as often as I would like anymore.

  • Reading romance novels with my mom in a beautiful meadow
So this picture is special because there are two different memories that it stands for.  My family and I liked to go backpacking when I was in high school and this was one of our favorite places to go.  It is what I imagine heaven would be like, if there is such a place waiting for us.  Anyway, the first memory involves my mom, my brother and I laying out next to a small stream that my dad was fishing in, reading and enjoying life.  The sun was warm that day, the breeze was gentle and the sound of the brook and wind in the trees were all the sounds to be heard.  It was just too perfect.  I was relaxing with the most important people in the world to me, and everything was, well, perfect.  I really don't think that moment could have been any better.

The second memory attached to this photo is not actually at this location.  It was a couple miles down the trail at another meadow with a hot spring at its feet.  This was a unique memory that I treasure because it follows an uncomfortable situation.  A morning we were camped across from this particular meadow I was supposed to go on a hike with my dad.  I ended up not going because I felt so sick that I threw up that morning.  My mom was such an angel to me that morning, she made me some miso soup (which to this day helps me feel better) and told me that we could just relax in the meadow that day.  And that is exactly what we did.  We took a tent cover and relaxed in the tall grass of the meadow.  This was the instance were it was just her and I and she started reading her romance novel to me. I felt such a sense of relief and contentment that it just stuck in my memory.  

Those are my most treasured memories that I can think of.  I think that they are a bit of a reflection of who I am and what is important to me.

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